Fan Interaction
The ways in which fan interaction is appreciated

Bestseller Formula
A number of trends I've noticed in bestsellers over the past decade ... or two.

The Work of World Building
11 things to consider when world building
All the Snark
Not gonna lie, this is legit the saltiest, snarkiest thing I've ever written and I adore it completely. Without further ado, here's a fun...

The Fun of World Building
I won't lie if you won't: creating your world is probably the best and most fun part of writing fantasy. For me, the map was always the...
All Of The Rules I Do Not Follow
If you have ever, ever even thought of having a writing career, chances are that you googled the heck out of it. There had to be a...
Editing Quirks
So, I'm probably in a small minority of writers here, but I actually love editing. Compared to writing, it is less time consuming. Less...
Writing A Series
So I had a conversation with my good friend/awesome author, Jennifer Anne Davis, recently about how we write series. It was a...