Bookaversary Giveaways
This Samhain/Halloween, Ivy will be celebrating its second bookaversary! To celebrate, I am hosting three separate giveaways over on...
Oleander Bookaversary Giveaway
I can't believe it's been a year already. On June 30, 2016, I released Book Two of my Prideful Magick Collection. Today, Oleander turns 1...
Giveaways on GoodReads
As I have mentioned before, Valerian will be releasing on December 9, 2016! In honor of this auspicious occasion, I have decided to do...
Happy First Bookaversary to Ivy
Today is the first bookaversary for Ivy. Naturally, I am beyond excited about this. What's more, as of 11:59:59 pm we will have winners...
Bookaversary Giveaway!
So, out of the many wonderful and wicked things to occur this October, I have one more surprise for you Halloween month: a Bookaversary...