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Happy First Bookaversary to Ivy

Today is the first bookaversary for Ivy. Naturally, I am beyond excited about this. What's more, as of 11:59:59 pm we will have winners for two copies each of Ivy and Oleander over on Goodreads. If you haven't entered yet, there are 16 hours left to do so. Just follow the links I put in the book titles and it'll take you to each giveaway option.

Also occurring tomorrow is the first day of NaNoWriMo. For those who do not know what this is, the title stands for: National Novel Writing Month. This is an event that takes place every November, where writers from around the globe pledge to write a 50,000 word manuscript in only 30 days. It is exciting, thrilling, terrifying, and a horrendous amount of work to undertake, but the feeling of having succeeded is one of the most accomplished moments of your life. Especially if you've been lax a little on your writing.

This year, I am going to be doing the first official rewrite of PMC Book 4. With Book 3, Valerian, wrapping up in edits and soon to be sent to formatting, this is the time for me to jump start what needs to be done for Book 4. NaNo is wonderful for this, as it keeps me working and on task.

Of course, to have a truly productive NaNo, today will be spent in rushing around and trying to complete a project that has been in the works for over a year now. "The Bell Yard" was actually the winning project for my April 2015 Camp NaNoWriMo. Today, I'm determined that it should breathe its last. (Until rewrites and editing, of course.)

Which means it is time to bid you all a very Blessed Samhain and end this blog post. Have a wonderful day!

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