Website Changes
It's time for some changes.
My website has looked pretty much the same since I created it oh so long ago. The thing is, even though I still love it, and I love all the pictures used, it is not as functional as it could be. Therefore, it will be undergoing a lot of changes. Theme. Coloring. Even a lot of the blog posts will be coming down to create space and reduce clutter. Since this site doesn't get much engagement as it is, I'm not concerned with people being unable to recognize it. And by the time this gets posted, I'm sure a lot will be done already.
This will be a SLOW process. (I think.) I'm a master procrastinator with small bursts of motivation. I'm going to attempt to start using these bursts in more productive manners as far as my writing goes. Please wish me luck. Or hold me accountable; that should work, too.
Another thing I will be attempting is getting the blog into a normal posting range. This means that I will be writing posts and having them scheduled to go out during these small bursts. The goal will be at least one entry a week. If I'm really, really lucky, I'll write out enough in these small bursts that I can publish more regularly. Thank you to everyone that keeps up with me and this blog and wants to know more about my books. As of now, this is it. Now onto the site construction!