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Busy, Busy

In all honesty, the image has nothing to do with this post except for me to be able to say: Don't those colors look damn good together?


So let's review what I've been up to for the past couple of months:

November: NaNoWriMo; started my current WIP; finished Part 1.

December: Edited "Oleander" Draft 1.

January: Continued WIP Pt 2.

February: Continued WIP Pt. 2

March: Started WIP Pt. 3

April: Camp NaNoWriMo (Rewrite of PMC Book 3)

May: Edit Oleander D2; pack belongings in prep for moving; continue WIP Pt. 3

Okay, so the deal is: our house sold. The house we are preparing to rent is still under renovation. We have a week left. I've been busy.

Also, my WIP is on the back burner due to the moving as well as the editing. Which brings us to things like my teasers which I've been releasing for its sometime-in-June release date. *sigh*

All in all, things have gotten hectic and we're down to the wire. But keep a look out for "Oleander" sometime around Litha! (Summer Solstice; Midsummer)

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